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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

My Pets.

Hello everyone! Today you will get to know a little bit of my family. For me my dogs are a part of my family and a fundamental support in my life because they are unconditional, every time I am sad they notice and give me all their love to make that sadness go away. Since I was born I have always had a dog by my side and currently I have two, Florencia (Flo) and Perri. Flo is a 9 year old Yorkshire is the daughter of Paz, a dog who died in 2020 at almost 11 years old, and Perri is a 4 year old blonde chyltra who was adopted by my sister in 2017 at the exit of the Mall Costanera Center. If I had to talk about their personalities they both love affection and sleep whenever they feel calm, but their behaviors are very different, Flo is calmer and is already older, Perri has more energy and likes to bother Flo, and although they don't get along very well they are always attentive to each other.

The best holidays ever.

 Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the best vacation I've ever had. Wetland La Serena. In 2020 we were not able to travel much, but in December of that year it was announced that for that vacation we could go out, so my sister organized a trip with her partner, my brother and my sister-in-law for February this year, for 5 days to La Serena, as we were in phase 2 and could not leave the weekend we decided to return on Friday. La Recova. To start this adventure I had just returned from Rancagua so it was a bit chaotic since I would only be 2 days in Santiago and I had to pack my backpack and do some things, which caused that the day of the trip I only slept 2 hours because we left in the early morning so there wasn't so much traffic which didn't work hahaha! La Ventana Beach. It was a very nice trip because I shared a lot with my brothers, we visited several places and we also ate very well, I remember that one day we went to travel north and we needed to ...