Hello everyone, today it's my turn to talk about a time travel to the future but honestly I had never thought about it.
But also in this year I will probably already be graduating from college and this topic also catches my attention, as I would love to know how well I am doing, if I still have the people I love with me, if my college friends are my coworkers, if I could finally take a trip to another country with my college friends or how many new people I will have in my life.
I feel that for me the future is like a surprise, sometimes you think that the changes will be very small but if I see how my life was 2 years ago and I compare it with my current life it is completely different, I don't even want to imagine how much it will change in 5 more years.
What I find bad about this is that there may no longer be people who are currently in my life, so it makes me sad to think that at any time people can leave my life.
I could say that I would rather live in the present and then be surprised when I look back rather than go into the future, so my answer is that I would not stay on my journey into the future.
Hi, I also prefer to live from day to day rather than thinking about the future.